B2B media planning: more than just ‘technical press’

Media planning is an activity which is always worth delegating to a media agency: it does not entail any additional costs for the client – being paid by the publisher through the recognised agency commission – and, by turning to professionals, the ads are guaranteed to appear on the most suitable media and to be purchased at the best conditions thanks to the experience gained and the negotiating clout of the media buyer.


Even for this reason, the discounts obtained by the agency compared to official price lists are often a pleasant surprise for the advertiser.

These concepts have been well understood by Adyen, a major player in the digital payments segment, which has been entrusting its Italian media budget to Atlantide since 2021.


Target audience

Adyen has a decidedly ‘business’ target audience: it is aimed at financial managers and the management of companies selling their products through organised distribution and specialised retail chains, providing a service which greatly simplifies the management of financial transactions on all physical and virtual channels.

Although this service is of a purely technical nature and aimed only at medium and large-sized companies, Adyen – in agreement with the agency – has chosen to favour widely circulated media such as national online and offline newspapers, radio and television.

Indeed, even if in the b2b domain, abandoning purely technical magazines offers several advantages: brand authority is raised and – thanks to targeted purchases selected by concentrating on dedicated-content or themed programmes – it is possible to reach primarily the desired target group.

Adyen, using the decades of experience in b2b media buying accrued by Atlantide, was able to take advantage of the best conditions and obtain very attractive costs per contact.


Media and content      

In the choice of specific media, preference was given to those capable of providing particularly targeted and prestigious contact opportunities, thanks to the careful selection of the most precisely targeted editorial initiatives.

For this reason, B2B agency Atlantide identified radio and television programmes with content most related to the client’s offer, newspaper editions devoted to technical topics of relevance to the target audience, and selected websites usually or temporarily focused on the client’s business.

As the positioning of the brand was still being consolidated on the Italian market, during the first year the agency focused on the purchase of advertorials, custom content and native articles.

This allowed the client company to provide in-depth information on the characteristics and strengths of the service offered, details which standard advertisements could not, by their very nature, provide.


Accurate pre- and after-sales service

Having chosen the media and booked the spaces, the agency’s work continued with a thorough ‘artwork management’ service, relieving the client of the burden of having to check and deliver materials to the publishers.

Atlantide did not just forward artwork to the publishers, but its creative department checked that the technical characteristics of the materials complied with the requests and, when necessary, alerted the customer of non-compliant files or, in some cases, directly took care of minor changes to speed up deliveries.

This ensured the timeliness of the releases, which were carefully calibrated to support other promotional activities contextually organised by the client.



At the end of the campaign, Atlantide took charge of obtaining redemption data from all online media involved, making them understandable and comparable in order to provide the client with a clear and comprehensive report; this showed that the media planning carried out brought more than 4,300,000 target contacts, with quality consistent with the given communication objectives and within the predefined budget.

An excellent result in terms of brand reputation for the company, which, thanks to the depth of the proposed content, managed to convey the advantages of its offer to its target group.

The success of this campaign and the orderly execution of all the complex artwork management activities satisfied the client, who again turned to our agency for media planning 2022.


New year, new goals

The results obtained in 2021 have led Adyen to focus on consolidating brand notoriety, promoting a brand now firmly associated with a precise type and quality of service.

Consequently, the 2022 media buying activity has privileged the purchase of advertising space suitable for conveying a more emotional image on which the company, having now adequately communicated the nature of its services, can now focus.

For the best part, the media which had provided the best redemption in 2021 were involved, integrating them with new media deemed interesting as a complement to the new promotional activities put in place by the client.

The 2022 campaign is still in progress but, thanks to Adyen’s valid communication strategy and the support that Atlantide was able to provide, we are confident that the redemptions obtained this year will be very satisfying.


To conclude

The winning feature of a ‘tailor-made’ service such as the one offered by Atlantide lies in the ability to conform to customers’ changing communication needs and to provide a solution adapted to evolving demands at all times.

If you too would like to assess the quality of our work and know how to obtain excellent results by investing in the most suitable means to achieve your objective, in full compliance with the limits imposed by the budget, look no further:

contact us now!


Tel: 02 6707 3283E-mail: info@atlantideweb.it

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