
The relevance of visibility on search engines is an aspect that no company can afford to take lightly.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) can help in improving your organic positioning, but sometimes an extra boost is necessary to reach the desired results.

Using AdWords, the marketing tool made available by Google, your company may be highlighted following queries with selected keywords, chosen among the most useful and relevant ones.

A Google AdWords campaign may be quantified and implies reasonable costs (only clicks on the advertisement are paid for), but it does require a thorough preliminary analysis defining targets and objectives so as to optimize the pursuit of your communication strategy.

The AdWords tool is available as different solutions that can be chosen according to requirements, such as:

  • SERP (organic search results page) campaigns, that only appear following queries using keywords selected when defining the campaign
  • display network campaigns, published on websites, social media and apps chosen among the most appropriate ones for your content
  • remarketing campaigns, which present your advertisement to users who already visited your website

Based on our experience, we can help you choose the most appropriate instruments and keywords, monitor the campaign and adopt immediately any corrections that may be needed, providing you at the end of the campaign with a complete analysis of the results.